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How to Treat Your French Bulldog Well


French bulldogs have a lot of nicknames including bat ears, clown and Frenchie. French bulldogs are very intelligent and have a similar temperament to their cousin the English bulldog.  These dogs live for your companionship. Some people might go as far as suggesting that they are needy. Needy as they might be they exude sweetness and they content with children as much as they are worth adults. They have quite a few health issues that owners need to be ready to address. An informed and preventive health care strategy is the way to go when it comes to taking care of your French bulldog.


Exercise them on a daily basis but be careful and do not force them to perform extreme physical activities. This is important for dogs that are less than two years of age.  Jumping exercises or jumping up and down the stairs can cause serious impairment issues that can deform the growth of a dog. Older dogs are not prone to this condition since they have already grown.


Keep your French bulldog in tolerable weather conditions during the summer and winter. These dogs are not suited for life outdoors as compared to other pets. They have short hair which offers them very little protection from the winter cold. They are also vulnerable to summer heat. Their flat faces make them more prone to overheating when they are left outdoors. You can also find good french bulldog puppies for sale.


Feed your dog on a regular basis but avoid giving him a lot of treats. They can gain weight very easily so it is better to refuse them human food but give him occasional treats or a bone to gnaw on. These pets are prone to dietary issues, allergies specifically so if your dog has problems contact your vet about changing his diet.


Take them to a clinic for regular check-ups and testing. French bulldog puppy for sale are very uncommon so it is very rare to get someone who has the needed experience when it comes to taking care of them. Keep your vaccinations current and ask the veterinarian about the possibility of him developing allergies.  They are known to develop different types of allergies and their symptoms are confused with an infectious disease.


Always seek advice from a professional when you have any questions regarding your French bulldog. Never assume that something will work out for you simply because you have seen it work on another dog. People who have French bulldogs describe them as a constant presence. Their mischievous nature and playfulness makes them a worthy dog to have.

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